


専門科目紹介:「Tourism English」-Campus Tour-


tourism English

In this update, I will be introducing the course titled “Tourism English” or 観光英語. This course is mainly taken by third year students in the Faculty of International Studies. However, students from other faculties will occasionally take this course. In this course, students learn about the intricacies of the tourism industry. They learn about things such as tour operators, airlines, and travel agents. These topics help students explore the tourism industry and help them decide if they want a career in tourism.

One of the main projects that we did in this course was a campus tour. Students were put into small groups and each group introduced a different part of the Tokyo Seitoku Campus. Each group made a video to showcase their part of campus. This activity aimed at giving the students the opportunity to take on the role of a tour guide.

(国際学科 Chu Johnny Tim)
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  3.  >  専門科目紹介:「Tourism English」-Campus Tour-